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Initial Consultation


45-60 minutes – includes 1st treatment (one or a combination of): measurements, exercise, modalities, manual therapy, underwater treadmill, and a home care program with hands on instructions. 

Post-Op Eval (5-14 days)


Evaluation and instruction in home program



30 minutes – includes the above (for established patients who’ve had interrupted care)

Manual therapy/underwater treadmill 30


Hands-on/Underwater treadmill up to 30 minutes

Manual therapy/Swim (30 min)


Hands-on/Swim up to 30 minutes

Manual therapy/underwater treadmill (45 min)


Hands-on/Underwater treadmill up to 45 minutes

Manual therapy 15


15 minute hands-on therapy

Manual therapy 30


30 minute hands-on therapy

Underwater treadmill 15


Up to 15 minutes in the underwater treadmill 

Underwater treadmill 30


Up to 30 minutes in the underwater treadmill 

Rec Swim Initial


Swim with staff member

Rec Swim by Client


Client swims their own dog